How NFTs are changing loyalty programs and why you should care

The hype around non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in 2021 was significant, but many people dismissed them as just a fad. Branding experiments with these new platforms basically boils down to PR stunts—the main goal for most brands is getting press coverage and appearing innovative by using digital currencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum .

However, there have been some smart strategic uses cases emerging from within the industry which are really exciting! For instance; certain companies have created "superfan" communities on their respective ledgers where users can engage each other through fanning content related specifically about them--this could potentially help update your loyalty program too if you're lucky enough.

The way brands experiment with NFTs is interesting and novel. What's more, it seems like they're using them in smart ways to create communities of superfans that could eventually be leveraged for marketing campaigns or loyalty program updates—a potential win-win!

Many smart people dismissed them as a fad, but that's starting to change with new innovations from brands who are realizing how NFTs can be used strategically for their business needs—and it doesn't stop there! As we saw last year with superhero movies becoming box office successes again after 10 years off screen, this is an area where fans will come together online through shared interests and activities. These "superfan" communities could eventually provide leverage points within loyalty programs so you don’t have one size fits all anymore; instead offering customizable options based on preferences or milestone achievements such

The new way to identify high-value superfans who are most passionate and eager for your brand is by offering NFTs. These digital collectibles will allow marketers have access into their customer's closet of passion, making it easier than ever before in identifying those customers that want more from you!

Ways to build superfan community by utilizing NFTs

unlock access for superfans. NFTs can be used to gain admittance into in-person events, conferences and VIP lounges replacing traditional or digital tickets . They also grant you private rooms on Discord where brands offer puzzles & memes as well as surveys/scavenger hunts so dedication will reap rewards!

Give rewards for superfan dedication  NFTs can be used to gain admittance and special sections within venues, replacing traditional tickets with digital or in-person events like conferences. They may also unlock tutorials on how to use certain products that are new but popular among the audience of fans who want more information before making a purchase decision themselves; this is perfect if your business offers these types goods! 3) Unlock content via incentives such as gifting single NFT items 4). Put together fan


The NFL has teamed up with Ticketmaster to offer virtual commemorative tickets on a limited basis. This is an example of how the sports industry can embrace new technology and use it for their fans' enjoyment, too! The Dallas Mavericks took things one step further by giving out rewards based off how many NFTs you collected in relation your attending games - these tokens may not yet allow access through stadium checkpoints but they're still making progress all over town (literally).

Collectors have a chance at winning prizes by entering NFTs through the new entry point. I expect this trend to continue in 2022, with more incentives offered for collectors who want their name on one of these lucky lists!

NFTs are being used to merge the physical and digital worlds by recording transactions on the secure Ethereum blockchain. This allows for authenticity validation in both industries - as an example, Robert Mondavi Winery recently launched a porcelain wine bottle series linked with NFTs that buyers were prompted to purchase beforehand so they could receive their corresponding bottles after it became available at retail stores.

Branded NFTs represent a new way for people to bring physical belongings into virtual worlds and articulate brand affinity. They’ll do this for the same reason that some people buy limited-edition vintage sneakers in the real world–to be seen wearing them.

Furthering the value of engaging with superfans, this new technology offers brands an opportunity to reach out and create a meaningful relationship that can last years. The use cases for blockchain-based loyalty programs are endless - from identifying similar customers who might be interested in what you’re offering

cultivate your own personal brand by engaging with other fans through NFT bracelets, collectible cards or even just a selfie. You can also use look-alike modeling to find others who share similar attributes as you so they too will become loyal customers!

Brands are just beginning to scratch the surface of these capabilities in terms of gamification and the ability for third parties to build upon or interact with digital assets. With consumers owning NFTs that they can sell or trade, brand loyalty becomes a literal investment and can make money as well.

The next great generation of social media will be fueled by Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs for short. This new type of digital currency has already started to take off in recent years and is becoming one people’s favorite way express their passion towards brands while also getting paid!

It is a good thing that we're being patient with nft and their technology, but I just can't wait to see what they come up next. It's going to be incredible for the future of brand loyalty

kate hancock